Unityfest supports the vision and mission of all the following outreaches listed below.
Click on each one to learn more about their organization!
CHANGING DESTINIES MINISTRY - This ministry's vision is to see sex trafficked women encounter God's love, experience transformation, and reintegrate into society.
TEAMWORKZ - This ministry's vision is lifting lives by coordinating resources that will educate and empower, while providing a sustainable and successful pathway to independence for homeless individuals and families.
LIFE CARE PREGNANCY CENTER - This organization provides a variety of free and confidential pregnancy services.
SANDHILLS ADULT AND TEEN CHALLENGE - Faith centered addiction recovery for men in North Carolina.
GIDEONS INTERNATIONAL - An Association of Christian business and professional men and their wives dedicated to telling people about Jesus through associating together for service, sharing personal testimony, and by providing Bibles and New Testaments.
WYCLIFFE BIBLE TRANSLATORS - This ministry works with churches, communities, and partner organization until everyone can access God's Word in a language and format they can understand.
IGNITE THE MARKETPLACE - This organization connects business minded individuals that are interested networking and creating an environment built on biblical truths.
CAMERON BOYS CAMP - A residential wilderness camp designed to provide boys and their families an opportunity to work out problems through a highly-structured outdoor program and accredited non-public school.